
Andrea said it well last night, but her exact words escape me: We’re living in a world where people can kill innocent numbers this big, and then not tell us why. And that makes it oddly worse. That not only are there the sort of filth out there who can plan and execute killings on this scale, but that they don’t even have the spine to tell us why.

On the one hand, nothing has changed. We’ve always lived in this world. There’s still as much wonder and the light out there as there ever was. But it’s kind of hard to see it, today. There’s something weird about my visor chiming off with my regular jobs today – it does it every day, but it seems oddly mundane to to be checking websites and doing back-ups today.

I’m reading a list of things people are doing to take their mind off this, to comfort themselves and generally reassure themselves that the world isn’t ending. Me, I spent last night watching the coverage with two of the people I love best. That’ll do me, thanks.

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