Home again.

Menlo Park: good. Sound quality: rubbish, so it was a bit of a let down. Support act were a cross between Frankie Goes To Hollywood and The Streets (I quite liked it). I may write it up properly tomorrow. (It’s not Sunday until I’ve gone to bed.)

Stopped in at Slimes for an hour or two on my way home, but wound up remaining entirely sober, in a shocking break with tradition, and opted for an early nightbus after a couple of hours dancing. It’s a sufficiently nice morning that I hopped off the bus in Balham, and walked home from there, just to enjoy the dawn. I’m such a fucking hippy.



Mmmm, endorphins. Hurrah for healthy exercise.

I appear to have tomorrow night free. I’m sure I was supposed to be doing something, but I can’t remember what.

Menlo Park gig Saturday night. Who actually got tickets in the end? Does anyone fancy meeting up somewhere for a quiet drink beforehand, since it’s on late?

I may have been a bit of a wreck…

Weekend: smashing.  Brain: smashed.

Apologies for talking shit/being tedious/anything else as required – in hindsight, I was in quite some state at points on Saturday night.  Thanks to ebmgothicgirlie and delomelas in particular, who I was probably most spannered at, but who provided entertainment nonetheless.

For those not there, a guide to how spannered I was: in attempting to answer the question “How hard is it to find a bunch of goths in Hyde Park?”, I discovered that the answer is: “Quite easy, provided you don’t go to St James Park by mistake, in which case, you will certainly fail to find the goths, because you are too stupid to live”.  I did make it in the end, though, and had a thoroughly civilised time – more of that sort of thing, etc, etc.  Ta, all.

And now, organ failure.

It’s not *all* bad, in East Acton.

I mean, mostly it *is* a grim concrete hole, populated by chavs in their barryed-up BMWs and roaming gangs of few men, eyes peeled for scrap, and untarmaced drives.

But, lacking any means of escaping it for lunch today (the car drivers in the office are absent) we strolled down to the shops. And discovered somewhere selling Red Lemonade and Taytos.

So, not *all* bad.

Update On Everything

In the last couple of weeks, I’ve had three or four people chastise me for not updating this thing enough, and generally not saying very much about what’s going on in my life.

This is really because nothing much is going on.  I get up, I go to work, which ranges between the tedious and the quite-a-lot-of-fun, I come home.  Uniquely among Londoners, I still enjoy my commute.  Sometimes I exercise.  Sometimes I play computer games.  I watch The West Wing and CSI.  Once in a blue moon, I remember that I live with some of my favourite people, and spend a bit of time in the living room with them.  I read books.  At weekends, I either go out and have a splendid time, or I stay in and rest.  I do less of the latter than I probably should.  I engage in Chronic Nerdism every other weekend, but I balance it by y’know, being ungodly cool at all other times[1], and by gigging and clubbing and going to Cultural Things as and when I notice that there are some.  This is my life.  I like it a lot.

In short, I have fallen into a very comfortable rut.  Of course, having admitted to that in public means that something is going to happen fairly soon to disrupt it.  I hope it’s a good something.

But anyway – that’s why I haven’t updated about exciting events in my life very much.  I’m having a good time, but it’s really not very much out of the ordinary, because, well, I lead a nice life, every last one of my friends is a marvellous human being (even those that don’t believe it – as in all things, I am right, so hush), and well, I have no massive Angst or Pane, and I am not pissed off at the world very much.  Therefore, my LJ has largely become a means for me to organise Things To Do, in order to perpetuate this cycle of Having Lots Of Fun.

In other news, I have my bedroom window open, and the neighbours are playing some Queen best of quite loudly.  I think this calls for some sort of response.  I think perhaps quite a lot of The Fall.

[1]  Shut up.  It’s my delusion and it makes me happy.  I see no reason to change it.