To say I have mixed feelings about this shot is understating it. It’s one of a *very* few shots I like from Last Days of Decadence the other week – I’ll be putting the others up on flickr at some point in the next week, and might put one or two more up on here, but honestly, I really don’t like much from that shoot.
The other reason I have mixed feelings is the technique I’ve used here. I have been known to get a bit strident about this “only one detail in colour” approach. I think it’s generally a crutch use to balance inadequacy in other parts of the photo. And yes, that’s exactly what it is here. This shot more or less works without the effect – the eye is drawn to the same place, it’s just that having stark greeny-blue light throughout leaves the shot a bit garish. (Which is my problem with the whole shoot, and why I like so few of the shots I’ve got.)
Anyway, I’m rambling. Look at the man and his pretty green drink, won’t you?