So, after a stupid amoung of ringing around, I have wound up with something like my 7th choice of dining venue for Friday, on the basis that out of the other options, only two of the others were even open, and neither of them could deal with a party of more than eight.
So, we’re going to Aurora. (Location map: here.) Don’t panic about the review that stresses the couple-y bits – they’ve got a separate room, and we’re in that, and I am quite prepared to kill anyone caught being couple-y. Frankly, I’m rather more worried about the “reviewer” who felt “the need” to drop quote marks around “everything”. I suspect he needs “help”.
So, that’s sorted. Announcements about the rest of the weekend to follow.
(Oh, and if anyone who said they were coming on Friday wishes to bow out, please let me know reasonably sharpish, as I need to give them at least 24 hours notice if I’m changing the booking.)
Edit: Of course, it’d help if I said when, wouldn’t it? 7:30pm, kids.