Today is my last day in my current job. As of tomorrow, I am one of the great unwashed, only with, y’know, better hygiene than that.
Or, rather, I would be, but I’ve just had a phone call, telling me that I’ve got a new job. The one I wanted, in Dorking. It’s a three month temp-to-perm thing, but I’ve been given assurances that this is pretty much a formality, and to be honest, I prefer a probationary period, anyway – it’s best for all parties, in my experience.
There’s still a bit of dotting i’s and crossing t’s to do, but I’ve done the interviews and blinded them with my magnificence, they’ve made a salary offer that I’m happy with, so it’s just down to signing bits of paper, and I start with them next Wednesday.
One day, I’m going to find out what this unemployment thing is like for periods longer than a deliberate short break between jobs. Honest.