At the request of painispretty, I am about to attempt to develop a whole new LJ meme thing, because I’m forced to agree that that survey I just did because everyone else is was frankly, as dull as ditchwater. Like any good LJ meme, it’s going to have to require people to talk about themselves, because if it’s not basically narcissistic, it’s just not going to survive on LJ.


One: In as close to one hundred words as you can, describe what you see when you look out of the window.

Two: Did you do it without looking out of the window?

Three: In as close to one hundred words as you can, describe what you would like to see when you look out the window.

Four: Describe your first crush without talking about their physical appearance.

Five: What would you like to have for breakfast tomorrow?

Six: Look straight ahead, over the top of your monitor. What do you think?

Seven: When was the last time you encountered someone you couldn’t stop staring at?

Eight: Why couldn’t you stop staring at them?

Nine: Write down two true things, and one false thing. Of the three, which do you like best?

Ten: Why?

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