Links For Wednesday 7th January 2009

Links For Tuesday 6th January 2009

  • Quick and dirty tool to grab an LJ archive on any system that has python available, which includes OS X.
  • SUP have knocked the american tech staff on the head. I don't believe they're going to fuck off tomorrow, or anything, but any way you slice it, this is bad news, and I'm going to have to find a good LJ archiving tool for OS X just so I do have a decent archive somewhere that isn't on LJ, but I should have done that anyway. Still, most of the public content over the least few years is already in databases on my own servers, anyway, but I'd like to get the private/friends locked stuff saved, too. I may also flip back to blogging on my own domain, and just mirroring the content into LJ, just in case.
  • I may want to take this apart and rebuild it for other services since my tumblr account is used for my not-a-photoblog-honest. Or since the blog is called Dead Air, I might just pipe it in regardless, as it does kind of fit with the theme.
  • I blog this mostly because I want to use the phrase "spime child", which is agreeably SF sounding. And because, well, it's an interesting application of the technology.
    (tags: twitter spime)

links for 2008-12-18

Scrub Up

Spruced up the look of last night. Will probably leave as-is for the next year – I haven’t found any clean and professional looking designs that I like as much as the one it’s currently using, and it is on my CV, so probably shouldn’t be anything too odd.

That just leaves me wondering what to do with site number three, the old and faded, which is traditionally where I put pieces of original writing, and is equally traditionally something that I only update in the first third of every year, after which point I become distracted by some other shiny thing.

Anyone got any fun suggestions for what I should do with it in the first part of next year?

Links For Thursday 11th December 2008

Links For Wednesday 10th December 2008

Links For Monday 8th December 2008

  • This is an excellent argument for developing in the manner one wishes to. I don't need to support IE on my personal sites, and while I'm good enough at what I do that they're going to remain legible, the fact is that I am not going to waste hours of my life on support a product I heartily wish people would stop using.
    (tags: web browsers)

Links For Friday 5th December 2008