A Study In Contradiction

Having week from hell. Brain melted. No longer entirely trusting of own judgement. Have resorted to old stand-bys to re-orient my sanity. Am listening to Tansads, which is always good when I need to de-stress a little. Will spend tonight hidden in bedroom, attempting to do something constructive in order to make myself feel like a worthwhile member of society again.

What does it say about the state of my head that I’m planning to retreat into my room, cutting off all contact with the outside world, in order to feel like a part of society?


So, that’s my birthday come and gone. Got far too drunk on Saturday night, for which I protest my innocence, and say that vicious people just kept on buying me drinks, and it would have been rude to refuse, wouldn’t it? Mind you, it meant spending Sunday with a stinking hangover all day, so I’ll get my revenge yet, you bastards. Many thrilling gifts recieved, for which I thank all concerned.

Sad On A Number Of Levels

Bored at work. Not unusual, but I have an irritating large amount of work to do, and I’m just not in any sort of mood to do it. Still, things outside of work are going reasonably well. I’m managing to stick to my new healthy regime pretty well, and irritatingly, I feel better for it. Not that there’s anything wrong with feeling better, but damnit I liked smoking and eating crap. I have this terrible feeling that I’ll wind up joining a gym in the near future. And yeah, I know I’ve been planning to do this for the last nine months, but this time it seems quite likely, because I’m discovering that I’m actually enjoying the increased amount of exercise I’m getting. This is Not Right. If I start to show signs of becoming obsessed with jogging, or anything distreesing like that, someone please shoot me, because I’ll be turning into my uncle. Who, I discovered yesterday, has been getting threats from his youngest daughters ex-boyfriend. I laughed out loud at this, because on the list of people I’d fuck with, my uncle comes very near the bottom. Clearly, the daft wee shite has no brains whatsoever.