This one's worth circulating far and wide – police using the various powers they've been given over the last while to suppress a peaceful protest.
There's plenty of non-geek stuff in today's pile of links. Just skip past this one.
Highlight " Because as software becomes a medium through which the city is accessed and made social, the paired need for both open software and hardware is clear. The design of the open public space is dependent on the design of the open software which is, increasingly, dependent on the design of open cities."
Might be handy in future projects – one of the first things I almost invariable do it set up a user class to handle logins and similar rubbish, and it'd be nice to have a handy boxed-up model to do all that with.
Matt Jones identifies the really interesting thing about yesterday's Iphone 3.0 announcement, and it's not copy-and-paste.
This looks like a fairly decent starting point, anyway. Of course, that's probably just what the government wants me to think.
Today is "everything you didn't need to know about intelligence, and weren't afraid to ask" day.
Fascinating espionage-related stuff I had never heard of before now.
I probably don't need the little finger on my left hand, you know…