I’m at home working on a Saturday night, and god, I fucking hate CSS. I could accomplish the layout I want in about ten minutes using tables, but can I make CSS do what I want in IE Firefox and Opera? Why, noooo…
Anyone out there want to tell my why the small square photos at the bottom of this layout aren’t centered on the page? They’re inside the DIV that’s supposed to centre everything, and as far as I know, the float that’s on them should only serve to make sure that they don’t linbreak between images, not to actaully align them in any way. (If that’s not the case, please explain what I need to do in order to have them centered and on the same line in all three browsers. For preference, I would like them to stay in the LI tags, as I’d like this site marked up as semantically as possible, since I want it to score well on Google.)
For bonus points, please explain why, in Firefox, the LI items at the top are not appearing inside the darker blue/purple area at the top (as they do in IE and Opera) despite the fact that it’s the fucking UL that contains them that has the styles for the darker blue area.
In the meantime, I’m off to do some PHP. At least I can understand that…