Links For Monday 7th November 2005

This entry was originally published at my workblog.

Links For Thursday 3rd November 2005

This entry was originally published at my workblog.

links for 2005-10-27

  • The American Society of Magazine Editors list of well, the top 40 magazine covers of the last 40 years.

  • Something that makes the top 40 covers thing a lot more interesting – excellent critique and context for it…

  • This is nice – have added a function that pulls up the cover art for the albums that a user listens to most, sort of like an online equivalent of browsing someone’s music shelves when left alone in their room…

This entry was originally published at my workblog.

links for 2005-10-26

  • MySQL finally catches up with some of the other database engines out there, with the new stored procedure/view stuff, as well as finally doing basic stuff like subqueries. Maybe I can finally go back to using it as my database-of-choice…

  • Interesting bit of think that might be useful to freelancers/people starting their own (solo) business.

This entry was originally published at my workblog.