
Finally, a decent net connection in the new flat. No more having to drag the laptop through to the lounge, because now I have an extension kit. Now I can be on-line in the privacy of my own room, which pleases me greatly. I haven’t been able to do this for years. Now, the Cure are playing on the Stereo, and I’ve got the the candles burning. It’d all be achingly goth if the room wasn’t decorated in yellow and blue. That said, I do have thick red velvet curtains, because they came with the room. This really is making me sound like some 17 year old with their hand nailed to their forehead, so perhaps I ought to stop now, before I make myself look even worse.

General Update

Another week with next to no updates, and this time, I’ve got an excuse – I’ve only been in thsi job two weeks when I’m left running the tech department, as the senior chap runs away to New Zealand for a Funeral. All a bit tricky for me, as I blunder around a complex set of SQL table relationships, and strangely fragmented and disorganised bits of PHP, trying to make sure it all keeps working, and even improves in places. Meanwhile, various members of staff manage to break critical bits and bobs, and generally make sure that everything that can go wrong, does. So, been a bit busy. Still haven’t got on line with the Toy yet, either.

Meantime, antony has just redesigned his site, which looks nice, although I’m not sure about some of his font choices for headers.

Related to that, I’m still working on the redesign for this place. Got some initial layout ideas done, (which I’ve just realised won’t work for everything I want, bugger) but every idea I had for logos was clearly rather derivative. I thought I’d found a nice one, them I realised it looked quite a lot like antony’s old headers, which just goes to show that he’s a bastard for having the good ideas first. Do not trust this man. If you see him, run the other way.

Note for those confused: no, I haven’t forgotten to capitlaise the first letter of his name.