
God, I needed this. The candles are lit, Lou Reed is on the Stereo, my glass contains a very fine single malt (Bushmills 16-year-old if anyone feels like buying me some more) and I have the house to myself. I’ve spent most of the evening either out walking, or just lying stretched out on my bed, staring at the ceiling and letting the tension drain away. And by god, it feels so very, very good. I should have more Friday nights like this. And the best bit?

I get to do it again tomorrow.

What have you done to make yourself feel good lately?


“The guitars pick up, the drums kick in, and I’m away. I can’t help grinning like a madman as the dancefloor goes wild – the good feeling is catching, and it spreads fast. She grabs me by the hand, dragging me toward the floor. I protest that I don’t dance, shaking my head and smiling, but we both know my heart’s not in it. She wins. She always wins.

We throw ourselves around in the heart of it for a while, loose track of time. When we stumble away, we’re both soaked with sweat, but her eyes are still bright.

Then I wake up, and I remember that she didn’t always win. That there are some things that can’t be overcome with enthusiasm and an infectious grin. Things like bullets and knives and explosions. And I remember that she might never have found that out if it weren’t for me. And for a moment, for just a moment, I think about calling her and telling her that I’m sorry all over again.

But what would be the point?”

Escape Velocity

Wasting time at nowhere very special

Seems almost a part of it these days

I know every crack along the pavement

I remember what you said in ’88

You said:

‘It’s time to leave this town

The world keeps turning ’round

The only thing that keeps me here is you’
– The Levellers, ‘Leave This Town’

Technical Errors

What is it with my domains lately? Black-Ink.org has been gypping me about for the last week or two, and god only knows how long rain-street.org has been down for. Still, things appear to be back to how they ought to be. And I’m finally going to get around to doing something interesting with rain-street in the next week or two. No, honestly. Just got to sort out a design that pleases me.


“You can just feel the details. The bits and pieces you never bother to put into words. And you can feel these extreme moments, even if you don’t want to. You put these together and you get the feel of a person. Enough to know you much you miss them. And how much you hate the person that took them away.” – Leonard, Memento.

Rock VI

Today is Friday. Things that rock today:

Ninth Art. It’s kind of blowing my own trumpet a bit, since I’m one of the editorial board, and the tech monkey for the site, but still, I’m proud of the site. One month old, updated twice weekly with first class content, and we’ve not missed a trick yet. Sure, it took us a year to get from initial press releases to launch, but it’s been worth it. All the feedback we’ve gotten has been positive, and we’ve got plans to make the site bigger and better in slow and managable stages.

This must be that “sense of achievement” thing I’ve heard so much about.


Y’know, much as I love my Psion, I look at a Handspring with Omni-sky wireless access, and I drool. But the odds of having the spare cash between now and next year are small indeed. Anyone want to give me 500 quid to spend on toys?

Rock V

Today is Thursday. Things that rock today:

My Psion. Even if I can’t currently plug it into my Mac, I can still make notes on it. Given my habit of going for a walk when I want to think something out, this is immensely useful. It also means I can get some work done on the tube. Huzzah for my Psion!

Early Draft

“The heat is oppressive, lying over everything like a blanket. The air crawls up your skin, a strange crackle in it, a muted energy. You can see it reflected in the faces of people are they hurry by – anticipation, concern, maybe even a little fear. The skies darken. Your jacket snaps against you and your hair ruffles in the breeze as the wind rises.

The first patter on the leaves of a tree as you pass under it. You quicken your pace. Then you hear it. That first rumble before it all starts, and you know you’re not going to reach shelter in time.

Stormbreak. The second before the knife slips in.”