
That was a thoroughly pleasant weekend, but I’m now fairly solidly knackered, despite being spark out by 11 last night. Resisted buying the new Beautiful South album, but am now staring at Amazon.co.uk with a sinking feeling, with both the album and “Hawksmoor” by Peter Ackroyd sitting in my shopping basket, calling to me. Got “Hawksmoor” in there as a result of Marcia’s recommendation and my own interest in one of Britain’s maddest and most interesting historical architects. I’m also contemplating “London: A biography” by the same author, but I think I’ll wait for the paperback on that one.


So, I’ve got hosting for my new domain sorted out, but I’m not sure what to do with it. I’ll probably wind up using it as my main site, or at least, a direct self-promotion site, details of upcoming work and the like, and maybe using roadofhate as a vanity publisher. I’d really like to do something community based with one of them, get other people work up on a site, but I don’t really know what. So I’m still accepting sugestions.

Future Past

Twice in as many days. Gosh.

Today’s topic: Models for the future. No, not the clothes kind. Pay attention at the back there.

1) Problem: Art should be free, but artists need to make a living. Solution: Open Culture, an alternative method of paying for art. If this takes off, it could be very interesting indeed. Sadly, I don’t think it will, somehow. It requires a greater degree of altruism than most people possess.

2) Localisation. It’s good for you. Apparently. I’m still trying to digest this one, to be honest. I haven’t got to the opinion-having stage. If I make my mind up, I’ll try and remember to say something here.


Spent Saturday helping antony get shifted to his new home, and Sunday doing not-very-much. Pleasant weekend. Spent three days last week at home, rather than work, because I was on the verge of total collapse. Feeling considerably better now, but still trying to keep my workload down a bit outside of the dayjob. Haven’t really had a proper rest since January – even when I’ve been on holiday, I’ve been either working or partying, so rest has been in short supply, and I’m really not looking for a repeat of what happened this time last year – I suffered a total collapse, complete with being found lying on the floor asleep.

In other news, I’ve just acquired the domain name rain-street.org, so I’m looking for suggestions as to what I might do with it. Mail me if you have any bright ideas. At the moment, it just points to the frontpage of roadofhate.com, but I’d like to do something different with it. I just can’t decide what.


What Alasdair did at the weekend: had a bloody good time, actually. Met two of the comics writers I admire most, which was ace. I’d met Warren before, years ago, but I’d never met Garth Ennis, who turned up by blind chance, which was a thoroughly pleasant surprise. I think avoided turning into a drooling geek. Maybe. Got to hang out with a bunch of top class folk as well, regulars on the Warren Ellis message forums.

On from there to a very pleasant housewarming in South Woodford, where I wound up crashing, then spending half of sunday watching DVDs on the filthy and impressive home entertainment system, eventually getting home at about 8 on Sunday night. Then it was “rescue the flatmate’s laptop” which didn’t go well, sadly.

All that said, though, it dawned on me over the weekend, that most of my friends are “involved” with someone these days, to one extent or another, while I remain single. This is not the sort of thought you really want when tired and emotional late on a Sunday night, as it starts down the distressing “what’s wrong with me?” route. Still, all in all, a very pleasant weekend. More like that, I think.